Silent Saturday

Looking for courage?

Weekly, I send an email to encourage leaders as they manage the tensions of leading a family and leading at church.

*I will keep your email private.

Can we admit that sometimes life is so painful or disorienting that our daily devotions aren’t enough?

I know it’s hard and even awkward to admit. In fact, maybe you’ll judge me for my honestly, but sometimes I want my Christian habits, reading my Bible and praying, to fix everything like a bandaid and as Taylor Swift sings “Bandaids don’t fix bullet holes.” 

Dr. Carolyn Leaf said it best “Humans like equations.” But what happens when the equations don’t get solved fast enough for us?

Life is so hard sometimes and a daily devotional time doesn’t always shift our thinking and heart posture in 30 minutes, even after a workout intended to get our endorphins flowing and having a balanced breakfast.

So how do we continue living our life as a disciple with heavy hearts and foggy minds?

There are three very practical things we can do today that will sustain us when our daily devotions aren’t good enough.

1. Increase our Scripture and Prayer intake

Being honest in our communication with the Lord and reading more of His Word will help keep our thoughts on Him, and the Word promises Peace will come to those who mind is stayed on Him. Isaiah 26:3

Ideas: If you have morning devotions consider having another prayer and Word time at lunch or in the evening before Bed; Read a Christian book, enjoy a Christian podcast, Worship songs, Reduce the amount of negative media and horror/thriller shows you watch.

Side note: The new Bethel Album “Peace” is water for the weary soul. Here are more ideas!

2. Talk to someone

Sharing how we are feeling and verbally processing can help us uncover a few truths we can hold on too in this season. Finding a friend who can walk through this season with us, even if they can’t fix it, is very valuable.

Please don’t be afraid or embarrassed to talk to a professional about these or other issues:

Health (diet, exercise, hormones/chemicals balances)

Relationships (those we live with, those who have passed, etc.)

Expectations in life (successes, failures, dreams, disappointments, etc.)

3. Stay faithful.

This season will pass, your hurt will heal, and your anxieties will fade. For right now, though, as you are riding the storm, do your best to show up. However that looks for you. Keep showing up!

Part of hanging in there is being faithful.

The other part of hanging in there is asking for help.

My friends, Christ is glorified when we choose courage in our chains. Philippians 1:14

On this Silent Saturday, hang in there my friends, victory awaits us!

Praying for each of you!
