One Way to Live Effectively


There are so many “what-ifs,” “I heard,” and other predictions whispering fear and insecurity into our souls right now. We need something that we can rely on as we live through each day of this pandemic and blooming economic crisis.

The Bible has power. It can influence individuals deeper than any law, movement, or epidemics ever could. We have all lost control in many areas of our lives and I think we have a tremendous opportunity to surrender all control to the God who knew us before we were born, who bottles up our tears, and numbers the days we will live.

Join me and let’s journey through “Read the Book: One Way to Live Effectively” to discuss how we can trust the Word as we live through this unique time in our world’s history.

The Bible says to…

To take courage… Deut. 31:6; Josh. 1:9

Love your neighbors… Matt. 5:43

Do not be afraid… Psalm 23:4

Be a peace-maker… Matt. 5:9

Be a hard worker… Ps. 90:17; Prov. 12:11; Col. 3:23

Except there is a huge problem…

We are shut in our homes during a pandemic and making decisions right now is overwhelming! How do you work hard when you don’t have a job or don’t know how to teach school at home? How do we love our neighbors when they are disrespectful and rude? How do we reach out when we feel alone ourselves? How do you not fear when you have been exposed to a virus the media covers 24/7? When we talk about re-entry, how do we balance wisdom and courage?

THAT is the point of this book. For four weeks we’ll gather on Zoom to talk through what we are learning about God’s Word and how it influences our lives in REAL-TIME. (Each gathering will be 50-60 minutes in total.)

I would love for you to be a part. YOU ARE INVITED! Aaaaand so are your friends!


You, your friends, me and my friends!

“Read the Book: One Way to Live Effectively” Book Club


Saturday, May 2nd at 9 am PST (noon EST)

Saturday, May 9th at 9 am PST (noon EST)

Saturday, May 16th at 9 am PST (noon EST)

Saturday, May 23rd at 9 am PST (noon EST)


On Zoom, in the comfort of your own home!


To inspire each participant to read the Word of God and increase our dependency on it, by discussing “Read the Book” with group participants and talking about God’s goodness in our lives during this pandemic and beyond!


1. Fill out the form below to register and I’ll send you the links to each zoom meeting plus some tips for a successful zoom book club.

2. Start reading your copy of “Read the Book; One Way to Live Effectively.”

You can download a Kindle ebook or purchase a paperback from Amazon.

Let’s get started reading! Click here to download the first three chapters of the book.