Coronavirus #BlogSeries

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In Oregon, where I live, our governor has announced cancellation of gatherings over 250 people for the next four weeks.

My church has more than 250 people in it, but we aren’t skipping church.

I have wonderful pastors who are leading with faith and information, strategically making decisions to care for those in our congregation and how to have church during times that are unique. 

I feel like I was built for things like this, in regards to church and leadership and problem solving. I sat in my car and told my husband, “This is what I was made for.”

Give me a unique and complicated situation to think about, ask questions, listen for perspectives, linking arms with my teammates and navigating unknown territory? “I think, Yes!”

In times like these, I intentionally try to lean in and ask the Holy Spirit, “What can I do to help?”

If you have the gift of hospitality, or if you were someone who greeted people on Sundays, THIS IS YOUR TIME! This is what you were made for. Invite neighbors and friends to your home and be the church.

Now this could be hard if you don’t like change, I totally get it. This isn’t a situation to take lightly even if you have faith and feel prepared, but in all our changes we must guard one thing.

We must guard our commitment to church!

There are many ways we can gather as the church if your community gatherings are effected. Here are two:

  1. Online Services

  2. Church Groups

Or the magical option: Both! I mean nothing is magical about it, but still, you could invite your team or close friends over to your house and still “have church”.

Currently, in the United States, the government can’t just close church. Formally speaking, in the First Amendment there is a small yet powerful sentence that says “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.” -U.S. Constitution.

So why then would we stop having church services, when our government says “no events, over a certain capacity, for a certain amount of time”? Because of two reasons:

  1. Common Sense

  2. Jesus said, “Give to Cesar what is Cesar’s.” 

Honoring those the Lord has placed in authority (whether we approve of their political stance or not) is the right thing to do, as long as it doesn’t violate our disciplines and doctrines, and especially when it in unique seasons.

Doctrinally speaking we don’t believe that we HAVE to meet in a specific building to have church. Therefore, we are responsible to work with our local government as the Body of Christ.

Let’s not skip church, rather let’s BUILD the church.

Can we see the coronavirus as an opportunity rather than an interruption?

Here is how we do that:

1. Invite your friends to a coffee shop or over your house to watch your church online. Somehow leverage your church’s strategy and invite your neighbors and friends to join you. 

2. Encourage your roommate or children who have never prayed for someone, to be brave and step out in faith, and pray!

3. Share in faith, if you are sharing a devotional thought from your pastor. Ask someone to bring refreshments, and let the kiddo’s play with legos and then run around outside. God is near! 

4. Look someone who is nervous in the grocery store, at the bank, or your regular gas station, take time to share the peace that you have.

5. Invite (YES! AGAIN!) Invite people to church, so they can meet the Prince of Peace, their healer, their creator and our friend, Jesus.

During this time of quarantines use wisdom with social distancing but consider opening your home for church on Sundays if your church is unable to meet at your usual location. Help people find stability through your friendship and hospitality.

You are the Church and you are here for times like this!

“Be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged,

for the Lord your God will be with you where-ever you go.” —Joshua 1:8