How To Follow The Holy Spirit (Revised for life in the year 2024.)


In the last chapter of my book (released Nov. 2019), I share a story about how Trevin and I decided to move from Boise, Idaho, to Portland, Oregon. It’s the chapter everyone needs a tissue for. Before it all began, Trevin and I were looking for the next step in our lives. When the idea of moving crossed our minds and became a topic of discussion, I remember being so scared. I told Trevin that God had to give him a Bible verse. This was an unusual expectation, honestly. Usually, when we make less impactful decisions, we don’t expect God to give us a Bible verse, but this decision was a life-changing one. This decision would change the course of our destiny, our children’s futures, and our family legacy. Therefore, I wanted to be able to read it in black and white! I wanted confirmation before moving.

As a young adult, I attended Boise State University and Portland Bible College. When Trevin and I married, we talked about how many children we wanted and when. These are also big choices, but we didn’t look for a Bible verse to speak to us. We waited for logistics to line up based on our priorities and values.

When I was a sophomore at Centennial High in Boise, Idaho, I wrote down the names of 14 friends from my high school. I would pray for them regularly and then invite them to youth ministry, believing their relationship with Christ would begin or be further solidified. I planned to tell my friends about Jesus and just did it based on what the Bible says.

As you can see, there are different “ways” of listening and confirmation when following the Holy Spirit. This makes things confusing, especially if someone doesn’t know how to hear God and doesn’t read their Bible or pray regularly. Maybe you have experienced this “clear as mud” concept before as well. I wanted to share with you a few things I try to keep in mind as I do my best to follow the Holy Spirit:

  1. The Holy Spirit doesn’t want to trick me or make me miserable, but he will lead us to do hard things like forgive, remain faithful, remain teachable, or fight for unity. Jesus came to give us life and life more abundantly (John 10:10). A truly abundant life is a recognition that nothing can separate us from the love of God, and that same love will mature us in the discipleship process as we lean into it. The Holy Spirit’s job is to lead us through that maturing process. Maturing is difficult. No one likes to become selfless, forgive, or serve, but that’s what’s included in living the abundant life Jesus died to give us. What is abundance to you? How does that affect your relationship with God?

  2. We’re not going to get it right every time; that’s why repentance, forgiveness, grace, and mercy are available to us every day. As soon as you realize you didn’t go in the right direction, pause and reflect to realign yourself with the truth, repent, make adjustments, and take things one day at a time. These moments help tune our spiritual “ear” to the Holy Spirit.

  3. I am always learning how better to follow the Holy Spirit’s leading in my life. The more I learn about God through Bible engagement, prayer, and discipleship relationships, the more I will discern how I should think about myself and behave.

  4. There is always more to learn about what the Bible says and what it means. In scripture, there are commands, and there are principles. People deconstructing their faith prefer only to follow commands and avoid principle living. They prefer to choose what parts of scripture to follow and what parts to overlook. As a disciple, we don’t get that option. (Matt. 16:25, Matt. 10:39) We grow in our understanding of Scripture and align our lives with it for the rest of our lives. *Looking for principles in scriptures? Read Proverbs, read the parables of Jesus, or discover themes in the Bible where God shows approval (or not) by how he responds.

Now that we have set some expectations for following the Holy Spirit, here is how to follow the Holy Spirit:

  1. Pray, ask & listen for the Holy Spirit to give you an idea. Balance what you feel/believe like the Holy Spirit is telling you with what the Bible says.

  2. Weigh what you hear by commands, principles, and wisdom found in scripture and from those who are more spiritually mature. (Not to be mistaken for more spiritually experienced. Because someone can have more church or Bible experience with false theology or toxic cultures, but it doesn’t mean they are mature, know the truth, or have wisdom.)

  3. (Assuming you serve and contribute to the community at your church…) Get Godly counsel from your pastor or Christian mentor before you start. Wrestle with your doubts & fears here! Let someone else help you. Take your time. Don’t rush this step and the next step…

  4. Work! Save money, research, make plans, ask others to join you in taking this step of faith… then

  5. DO IT! Obey what the Holy Spirit is leading you to do.

  6. Finally, stick with it. We’ve got too many unmotivated adults, undeveloped leaders, immature individuals, impatient entrepreneurs… you name it. Repeat steps 1 - 5 and keep going. Adjust as you grow, but don’t lose heart! With Christ, you can do all he has called you to do. (Matt. 19:26)

Notice the Bible may not tell you what country to visit on a short-term missions trip, but the Bible does say, “Go into all the nations…” Mark 16:15. If you will work hard to raise funds, get permission (if you are a minor), get time off work (if you have a job)…you know— get your life all lined up, then GO! Go into the world and spread the love of Christ. Pick any nation you’ve been interested in or your church is sending a group to! God will use you.

Perhaps you are someone who has been abused as a child, and you can’t help but feel deep compassion for kids who are currently in the same situation you were in once, so you decide to join a non-profit organization to be a volunteer in the community. I guarantee you the Holy Spirit wants to lead you to share the love of Christ right there, right where you are. Shine your light in the dark!

Here is another real example in life that people want to hear from the Holy Spirit: Finding “the one!” It’s funny talking with my husband about this because when I met him, I knew I would marry him. But he didn’t ever hear the Holy Spirit tell him to date or marry me. God didn’t tell Trevin I was the one, but we have a fantastic marriage. So how did he pull that off? Why would God tell me and not Trevin? (I share more about this in my book too.) Trevin based his choice on priorities and values. Those priorities and values are built on the Bible, his family culture, and common sense.

Let me unpack this idea of how to follow the Holy Spirit a little bit more with this final thought, especially as people are so quick to lean into comfort when in difficult times (Hello 2024!):

Think of the day you asked Jesus Christ into your heart to be your Lord and Savior. Most likely, someone shared this hope with you. Most likely, you had a question or a need that hadn’t been met. Most likely, you were introduced to Jesus Christ by someone you know.

The same logic you used in that moment to choose Christ and say, “Yes, I want to be a Christian,” and decide to pray the salvation prayer is the same logic you use when following the Holy Spirit. Maybe we could call it a “spiritual-logical pull” for this article. We recognized our need, His leadership, and we surrendered.

As Christians, we should run our spiritual-logical pulls through the Word of God, as we did with our salvation experience. If it doesn’t line up with the narrative of Scripture, it’s probably emotions, mental health, fear, brokenness, selfishness, or just a bad day. If it does line up with the Bible, or you aren’t sure, get Godly counsel, then step out in faith. Try it! Remember Joshua 1:9, “Be strong and courageous!” Say what you think the Holy Spirit is leading you to say. Give that gift card; hold the door for a stranger, smile, and say “Good Morning”; start that business; change the way you discipline your children; choose to forgive your roommate; serve your spouse; stop holding grudges against people; invite that neighbor to your house, begin to build relationships with them, and then invite them to church; stand up for what’s right in your local politics; CHASE YOUR DREAM of good health or pursuing some big project all with a heart position of surrender. Your life will be better for it! These steps of faith lead to an abundance life! Trust me, friends, it is so good.

Imagine what would happen in our churches, our cities, this nation, and the world, if Christians would step out and try something they “kinda-sort-of-aren’t-sure” if the Holy Spirit said it, but “gosh, that would be cool to do for Jesus!” People would be led closer to the Lord, and God would get the glory if we just decided to ignore fear.

It’s going to stretch you. It’s going to force you to count the cost. I explain this in my next blog post, “5 Horrible Things That Happen When Setting A Goal,” coming Jan 30th, 2024. (Save the date.)

Let’s not get overwhelmed with asking God what we should wear and what we should eat or drink, as long as it doesn’t cause someone else to stumble. (Note: The appearance of evil can cause someone to be confused, gossip, doubt, relaps, etc. Let’s not lead others into situations, mindsets, or conversations that are battlefields for them. Lead them to unity with Christ and his Bride rather than their battlefields.)

We need more Christians thinking of creative ideas, dreaming, researching, praying, and doing them. Doing them well so that others would come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, and so God would be glorified.

So here’s my challenge for 2024: What was the last thing God asked you to do? Have you done it? If not, pray and then set an appointment to get sound advice, do some research, save your money, and then GO DO IT! Take that step of faith. See what God does in you and through you. If you have done the last thing He’s asked you to do, then begin to dream again and ask God for a fresh vision. A new adventure awaits!



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